The PT Boat Numbers
I couldn't find any vinyl, Lettraset or similar numbers available in the correct font so I did a bit of research in the books and drew up 0 to 9 (and 'PT' for those that insist on putting it on their models) in a common font for a late war Elco PT's, It's not quite correct for early boats like PT109 etc, but hey, I'm not building one of those!
The sizes and proportions are from a close up photo of the numbers on PT305 (Higgins) but are styled more in line with the fonts used on the late Elco boats.
On the sheet below I have scaled the numbers to be 30mm and 15mm for a 1/16 scale model and 24mm and 12mm for 1/20th scale. The large numbers go on the hull and the 'half' size smaller numbers go on the superstructure.
Proposed vinyl cut sheets of numbers 30mm (1.18"), 24mm (0.95"), 15mm and 12mm
I am proposing to get these made as an A4 sheet, so if you are interested I can post you a set for a small fee!
And below - the big version if you want to print it out!