German S-100 Class Schnellboot


The SBoot 20mm Flak Cannon 

There are a number of armaments aboard the S100 boats, in the tub on the foredeck sat a single 20mm Flakvierling cannon, dimensions below are for the 1/20th scale.


This is my drawing of the forward 20mm Flakvierling Cannon.


Amidships there was a twin 20mm Flakvierling cannon, again dimensions below are for 1/20th scale.

This is my drawing of the twin 2cm /C38 Flakvierling cannon.


Gun Length: 88.7 in (2.2525 m)

Bore Length: 51.2 in (1.300 m)

Rate of Fire: C/38 480 rounds per minute cyclic, (220 rpm practical)

Muzzle Velocity: HEI: 2,740 fps (835 mps)

Projectile Length: 3.1 in (7.85 cm)

Range at 45 degrees elevation: 4,900 metres, (5360 yards)

AA Ceiling (at 85 degrees): 3,700 metres, (12,140 feet)

I believe the mount shown above is an L42 Kriegsmarine mount but I would stand corrected!


(C) Copyright 2017-2019  - John Drain